“Are you agile?” is the wrong question

So agile is dead or dying you say. I think you are right as long as it is the label itself you are talking about. Everyone claims to be agile and everything is described as agile. But who cares? The … Continue reading →

Agile practices vs culture

So, the big debate about agile culture versus agile practices is raging. First Allen Holub wrote a blog entitled The Agile Holocracy. Andrew Binstock followed up with The Corruption of Agile. Uncle Bob then countered with The True Corruption of … Continue reading →

Reinertsen’s strange take on Technical debt

Having just posted my thoughts on #CompetenceDebt: The other kind of software debt and enjoying a lot of positive feedback I was excited when Donald Reinertsen posted his thoughts on Technical debt: Adding Math to the Metaphor. Like Reinertsen, I … Continue reading →

The other kind of software debt

Technical debt Most people in software are familiar with Ward Cunningham´s metaphor of technical debt. The metaphor is so powerful and intuitive that even the Wikipedia page does not really define what technical debt is, only what it leads to. … Continue reading →

Three perspectives on better software

The agile perspective When the agile manifesto was published a decade ago I welcomed it. I had been building applications for a decade pretty much according to the principles in the manifesto. During this period I had watched in horror … Continue reading →

The obsolete idea of requirements

The writing of requirements is one of the core practices in software development. Most people hate the job but they see it as something that is fundamentally necessary. But what if the whole idea of requirements is wrong? What would … Continue reading →

The curse of replacement projects

I was at a Meetup the other day with Eric Evans. I liked the talk even if it was very similar to the one he gave at the last JavaZone. Eric makes the same point as I do in respect … Continue reading →

Software 2010

This year I am honored to be speaking twice at the Software2010 conference. This is one of the oldest and largest IT conferences in Norway as far as I know. The first talk is Hvordan lykkes som kunde i et … Continue reading →

Do you have the wrong product owner?

Developers in agile projects often tell me the greatest challenges in they face are in relation to the product owner. The specific issues vary but a couple of things usually come up: The product owner does not have enough time … Continue reading →

The value of value

This week Kai Gilb published the first two posts in a series criticizing the current state of agile and Scrum. On principle I would have welcomed this since I think there are a number of serious problems in the way … Continue reading →


About Niklas

Born in Sweden, grew up in New York, lives in Norway. Yes, I have problems with identity, but I do think that my background helps me see things from a different perspective.

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