Misunderstanding technical debt

Things that seem self evident are often not… When Ward Cunningham coined the metaphor of technical debt he hardly suspected that there would be widespread controversy over what it was meant to explain. Yet, while researching my posts about Competence … Continue reading →

A deeper look at Competence debt

When I introduced the concept of competence debt I assumed it was an intuitive idea. The discussion since then has proved me wrong. This post is an attempt to explain competence debt more clearly and show how it mirrors technical … Continue reading →

Code is the problem

At the Norwegian Smidig conference this year Dag Sjøberg held an interesting lightning talk (in norwegian): Viktigste faktorer for å redusere teknisk gjeld. Dag presented findings from an experiment into the effects of technical debt. After submitting tenders, 4 software … Continue reading →

Reinertsen’s strange take on Technical debt

Having just posted my thoughts on #CompetenceDebt: The other kind of software debt and enjoying a lot of positive feedback I was excited when Donald Reinertsen posted his thoughts on Technical debt: Adding Math to the Metaphor. Like Reinertsen, I … Continue reading →

The other kind of software debt

Technical debt Most people in software are familiar with Ward Cunningham´s metaphor of technical debt. The metaphor is so powerful and intuitive that even the Wikipedia page does not really define what technical debt is, only what it leads to. … Continue reading →


About Niklas

Born in Sweden, grew up in New York, lives in Norway. Yes, I have problems with identity, but I do think that my background helps me see things from a different perspective.

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